Model United Nations is a revered international simulation where students represent countries and debate important global issues and form resolutions.
Students pour hours of research learning about their country to debate what they would do to solve global crises.
Model United Nations
MUN Trade War aims to
enhance MUN, not replace it.
MUN Trade War offers an engaging simulation for students to go beyond debates and
act on their resolutions.
If students want to...
eliminate poverty
fight climate change
end hunger
they prove it in MUN Trade War.
5 Permanent members:
China, France, Russia, UK, USA
10 Rotating members:
5 from Africa/Asia
1 from Eastern Europe
2 from Latin America
2 from W. Europe & elsewhere
One of the main roles of the United Nations Security Council
is to maintain peace.
Players act as the Security Council to maintain peace.
In MUN Trade War...
Countries / regions vote whether to levy sanctions to maintain peace, whenever war breaks out.
Countries/regions get a specific number of votes based on current voting members.
There is no veto vote.
Ideas on how to use MUNTW
with Model United Nations.
Collaborative activity to break the ice between students.
Springboard to understand and talk about global issues.
Economic point of view to aid research & understanding.
Test out your resolutions.*
* We are testing ways of integrating resolutions more explicitly in MUNTW. Email us if you are interested in trying this.