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Stage 4

Every country / region has 11 cities,

represented by a dice roll.

City defense (3).png

Countries / regions have the opportunity to attack other countries using soldiers.


Attacking Flow Chart 2_edited.png

Each soldier is represented by a

dice roll.


Attacking Flow Chart 2_edited.png

There are two possible outcomes when attacking:

  1. Hit

  2. No Hit - Old        there.   Only 1 hit per city. 

Attacking Flow Chart 2_edited.png
Attacking Flow Chart 2_edited.png
Attacking Flow Chart 2_edited.png
Attacking Flow Chart 2_edited.png

In order to make a soldier, a military base is built first.

This "stamp" represents that something has been built/made. 

Once a soldier is used for an attack, they can not be used anymore.



In order for an attacking country/region to

conquer another country/region, 

5 different hits need to occur.


The attacking country/region who made the 5th hit...

  • collects ALL of the current resources of defending country/region

  • +3 points added to only their country paper

The defending country/region...

  • loses ALL of their current resources

  • remains in the game and collects future resources.


At the end of the game, teams can earn points for their military.

Base + 3 soldiers

3 points

Base + 2 soldiers

2 points

Base + 1 soldier

1 point

Base + 0 soldiers

 0 points

  • War usually happens in the latter rounds.

  • Attacks can only happen one at a time

General tips

  • Attacks usually happen in bunches.  

  • Game manger may establish a fair way to choose the order of attacking.

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